Warisa Distribution Services
Warisa Distribution Services


Waiting to be loaded from HMS Illustrious in Gibraltar
Delivery to Cardiff
Warren taking delivery of a new tractor unit back in 1988
Getting off loaded at HMS Invincible in Trieste
collected from Denmark
Rolled Army truck collected from Germany
Have a guess where we are
New truck arrived
Little bit of a lift
Collection from France
A few vans collected
John Brindle of Mawdsley trusts Warisa to transport his much loved pride and joy 1932 Ford AA Tipper Lorry to Bonhams auctions
Warren loaded
Aircraft Tug transport
We are hard at work collecting Dumpers for Norwest Plant Wigan
Another full load for Norwest Plant Wigan
Warren collecting new JLG machines for JLG in from the USA
Look what Warren found in a machine
Warren collecting from Liverpool docks
all loaded ready for the off

We are located at:

Warisa Distribution Services

Yard A Conway Industrial Estate, Skull House 

Appley Bridge, Wigan


Contact us today!

If you have any queries or wish to make an appointment, please contact us:


+44 01942 217842 +44 01942 217842




Or use our contact form.

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Reg no: 2767118